Recalling the Issue of Proportionate Representation
We shouldn’t give up on elected school boards.
The Hollywood Actor’s Strike proves that Unions serve an important function in a free society.
How Carl Schmitt Explains Putin & Xi’s Ambitions.
The French far-right has managed to successfully navigate the delicate balance of winning green voters without needing to change their positions on climate issues.
If anyone in the current political field can successfully beat Trump at his own honor-based game, it is probably Ron DeSantis. But if the Right truly wants to move beyond Trump, beating him will not be enough.
America needs to be ready to take advantage of a real Russian defeat, but also ready to encourage prudent negotiations should the need arise, or the danger grow too great. Whether the war ends with a Russian Crimea or with no Russia at all, we must be prepared to use Crimea as a tool to reach that end.
There is more potential harm than benefit if the government takes an activist role in creating new AI.
Through education, religion, and culture we must inspire the American people and ourselves to rise above the all-consuming passion for ourselves. To infuse our democratic society with republican virtue, and live up, even if just a little, to the challenge Benjamin Franklin gave us so many Septembers ago.
It is time we choose them, the individuals, our communities, families, the little platoons instead of bureaucrats and big government, those we trust instead of distant politicians.